Support of Ukraine in London, Berlin, Tbilisi

Support of Ukraine in London, Berlin, Tbilisi


In 1245, during the Mongol ascendancy in Georgia, the captured the Georgians, took them to the Mongol noyan and tortured them. Tsotne Dadiani was the nobleman of one of the parst of Georgia at the time, who accidentally escaped captivity. In the spirit of solidarity, he joined his unjustly tortured friends in suffering by putting honey all over his body and sitting in the scorching sun with the rest of them. This old and sublime symbol of sympathy is one of the first performances in history. In re-creating the act of Tsotne Dadiani, we want to join Ukrainians that are in the epicentre of unfair geopolitical conflict. We, who like Dadiani, are accidentally safe. If before, waiting for war was a virtual echo of our lives, today it is reality, reality, which shows that this penalty is threatening the whole world and its order. No “there”s and “here”s are left anymore. In our wholeness, the only thing that can bring resolve is standing united with the acts of solidarity in the history of the world and the future.

Performance was a response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and was performed on the 27th of March, 2002, in Tbilisi, London and Berlin, next to the Ukraine embassy.

Performance mimics the act of solidarity by Tsotne Dadiani in 1245.

Andro Dadiani portrays Tsotne Dadiani as a performer and moves back the date of Origins of Georgian performances back a few centuries.

პერფორმანსი უკრაინაში რუსეთის სრულმასშტაბიანი შეჭრის შემდეგ, 2022 წლის 27 მარტს გაიმართა თბილისში, ლონდონსა და ბერლინში უკრაინის საელჩოებთან.

პერფომანსი ცოტნე დადიანის 1245 წლის სოლიდარობის აქტის გამეორებაა.

ცოტნე დადიანის მოქმედებას როგორც პერფორმანსს ისე წარმოაჩენს ანდრო დადიანი და ამით ქართული პერფორმანსის სათავეს რამდენიმე საუკუნით უკან წევს


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