* * * (Solo exhibition)
Untitled exhibition by Andro Dadiani is an act of saying goodbye to love. It reminds us of the violent interruption of ritual… Continue reading * * * (Solo exhibition)
Untitled exhibition by Andro Dadiani is an act of saying goodbye to love. It reminds us of the violent interruption of ritual… Continue reading * * * (Solo exhibition)
In 1245, during the Mongol ascendancy in Georgia, the captured the Georgians, took them to the Mongol noyan and tortured them. Tsotne Dadiani was the nobleman of one of the parst of Georgia at the time, who accidentally escaped captivity. I Continue reading Support of Ukraine in London, Berlin, Tbilisi
God save me, God save me
God protect me from bastards like me! Continue reading Begging (Poetry performance)
Three day long performance – Op.27, was aims to be an act/form like an empty vessel brought to the audience with a hidden concept; The interactive performance turns into a repository for the viewer’s thoughts, concepts, memories, imagination or feelings. Continue reading OP. 27 (Interactive performance)
On the 17th of May, the Georgian orthodox church defeated our country morally, ethnically, culturally, spiritually, socially, and politically. Desperation I felt that day made me into a masked person under a pseudonym. Continue reading Basket of meat / ხორცის ფარი (instalation)
“Time qualifies the spark and fire of it.”
W. Shakespeare
It is the nature of time to pass without a trace – this is how it manifests itself; it is neither a subject nor an object. Continue reading H – (performance)
2021, მაისი – თბილისი, ვახტანგ ჭაბუკიანის ბინა-მუზეუმი
2021, May – Tbilisi, Vakhtang Chabukiani Hous – Museum Continue reading 6 – მოხელე / Worker – Tbilisi, Vakhtang Chabukiani Hous – Museum
Performance “Purgatorio” was the presentation of the same-titled collected poems by Andro Dadiani. Continue reading განსაწმენდელი / PURGATORIO – performance
მემორიალის გაწმენდით პერფორმერი ცდილობს, უახლოესი წინაპრების თავგანწირვისთვის მნიშვნელობის დაბრუნებას და მზარდი ფაშისტური მოძრაობების შესახებ სოციალურ სივრცეში დისკუსიის განახლებას. Continue reading 4 – მოხელე / Worker – Dedoflistskaro, Gamarjveba 2021. III
დაახლოებით 8 წლის წინ ლაურამ შეიფარა ადამიანი, რომელიც ინვესტორმა საკუთარი სურვილის საწინააღმდეგოდ სახლიდან გამოასახლა… Continue reading 3 – მოხელე / Worker – Tbilisi 2021. II